Resilience strategies

Resilience strategies


At household level


Principal researcher: Kewan Mertens


Overall objective: To determine the different existing household resilience strategies that could be effective in reducing damage and that are likely to be adopted by the people concerned.


Methodology: Structured household surveys will be implemented in the Rwenzori study areas  in Uganda and in the Bamboutos in Cameroon, after which an econometric analysis of the data will be performed.


At policy level:


Principal researcher: Jan Maes


Overall objective:

The purpose is to assess the landslide risk management of the both countries of inquiry, i.e. Uganda and Cameroon. Because in both countries disaster risk management is at an emerging stage, it is important to monitor the ongoing efforts.


In Uganda, a focus will be put on western Uganda. The specific objectives are:

- to identify the actors involved in landslide risk management both in theory and in practice,

- and to outline the different landslide disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures taken from the national to the community level.


In Cameroon, the focus will be on Limbe city in South-West Cameroon. Because landslide risk management have already been investigated for Limbe city, the research will go more in-depth and focus on one specific aspect of landslide risk management. The specific objective is to understand how risk maps are being translated into risk zonation policies and how these policies are currently implemented.



In order to fulfil the research objectives in Uganda and Cameroon, a qualitative multi-policy level approach have been used, following the criteria of the Hyogo Framework for Action. This approach is based on semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and secondary data collection



The data collection in Uganda was conducted during the summer of 2014, while the data collection in Cameroon is planned for the end of 2014.